Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Daily Routine

Today, during a perfectly average day of substitute teaching, I found a blog where writers and artists explain their daily routines. Here is mine.

6:25am: Get out of bed and check for available substitute jobs on the internet.

7:05am: Arrive at whatever school I am working at for the day. Check into the main office and receive the absent teachers schedual. Go to that teachers room. If the door is locked, find someone to unlock it.

7:20am to 2:18pm: Substitute teach.

Breakfast: Thats what I call the apple and granola bar I eat during second period.

Planning Period: Every teacher has at least one planning period per school day. It could be first period, or last period, or any other period. Some teachers have several planning periods a day. Since substitutes have nothing to plan for, this is just time when I have nothing to do. Today on my planning period I read the current issue of GQ magazine while sitting in a massage chair by the pharmacy window at Walgreens.

Lunch: Is 30 minutes sometime between 10:12am and 12:30pm. If lunch happens to fall next to a planning period it can be 90 minutes or longer. This is when I eat. Sometimes in the cafeteria where an adult lunch cost $2.50. Sometimes fast food. Sometimes something I brought from home. Today I had left over hamburger, cabbage and potato soup that I made last night and made some small talk with two teachers and a Sam's Club representative in the teachers lounge.

2:18pm: High tail it to the parking lot.

That's it. But sometimes it's totally awesome.


Blogger Jeff said...

What was the blog?

2:43 PM  
Blogger snewell50 said...

Your blog is so funny. I'm a retired teacher and subbed for awhile. You are totally on the mark!

9:16 PM  

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